PATHWAY is composed of 3 phases. The 3 phases follow a logical and chronological order: PHASE 1- Starts with the State of the Art and finished with the equipment purchase. The first phase will help prepare the road to the PATHWAY project and show the situation of E/E in partner universities. KO will be organized at ECCP. During the KO, the Task Force will be created and ready to meet 3 times. To close this preparation phase EEC structures will be strengthened and the knowledge and methodology shared among partners. PHASE 2- Starts with the training preparation and finalized with the pilot activities. The second phase will help provide a full range of training on E/E services and will cover the capacity building programme. The training programme will be delivered to partners, including CHED, ECCP and Enactus. Two training programme will take the form of training missions to UA and UM. The training mission will be carefully planned and last for one week to cover all the aspect relevant to E/E. The third training will be conducted by UA&UM with the support from all partners at ADMU. Training replication will follow the training programme to ensure that PATHWAY participants share the knowledge with their colleagues and other non-PATHWAY universities back home. Partners will be ready to launch the pilots' actions and start first with the actions related to the employment services and then activate the business generators by organizing the Hackathons. As the project will evolve PATHWAY partners will decide which additional service to be offered by the Business Generator. PHASE 3- Final results related to policy strategies. The Observatories will be fully functioning and providing valuable information. It will be a moment to organize the National Conference on Graduate Employment & Entrepreneurship, present the task force and present the recommendations from the White Paper “Recommendations for the enhancement of graduate employability and entrepreneurial mindset in the Philippines”.